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YouTube Video

This video is about making a Murghas

Murghas Production video 1 (109 MB) (MP4)

This video is about making bag and drum Murghas

Murghas Production in Bag and Drum Video 3 (47.5 MB) (MP4)

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Message of the weeknew-image कोरडे, शांत प्रसन्न गोठे। देतील सर्वदा पशुउत्पन्न मोठे॥

Dr. Pravinkumar Deore, I.A.S., Hon. Commissioner, Animal Husbandry

Hon. Pravinkumar Deore (I.A.S.), has taken up the position of Commissioner of the Department of Animal Husbandry on 06.09.2024.

 आयुक्त पशुसंवर्धन

Veterinarian’s Oath Veterinarian Oaths
Veterinarian’s Oath Being admitted to the profession of Veterinary Medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health, the relief of animal suffering, the conservation of livestock resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of knowledge in Veterinary Science. I shall practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity, and in keeping with the principles of Veterinary Medical ethics. I accept as a lifelong obligation the continuous improvement of my professional knowledge And competence.

...........Department of Animal Husbandry

Inauguration & Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony