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This video is about making a Murghas

Murghas Production video 1 (109 MB) (MP4)

This video is about making bag and drum Murghas

Murghas Production in Bag and Drum Video 3 (47.5 MB) (MP4)

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deoni (1)
deoni (2)
  • Dangis have taken their name from the track of the country in Bombay State known as Dangs. It is a hilly tract with heavy rainfall and very poor agricultural economy. The breed has become well-known on account of its hardy nature and its ability to work hard under heavy rainfall conditions. The Dangi breed, which is similar to Deoni, appears to fit into the group of cattle represented by the Gir, Red Sindhi and Sahiwal.
  • The Dangis are of broken red and white or black and white colour. The animals are medium in size, with deep bodies and generally of the ponderous build. The height behind the hump ranges from about 45 to 50 inches while the heart girth measures from about 58 to 60 inches, on the average.
  • The animals have powerful hind and forequarters with a short back well-coupled, and the legs are short and stout. The hooves are exceptionally hardy, being black and flint-like. The dewlap is slightly pendulous. The sheath, though loose, is not excessively pendulous. The hump is medium-sized and firm. The skin is of medium thickness and the coat is shiny. It is observed to exude an oily secretion which protects it from heavy rain.
  • The Dangis are primarily medium-slow draft animals. They are well-known for their excellent working qualities in heavy rain and in rice fields and also on the hilly tracks. They are hardy animals and subsist mostly on grazing alone. As draft animals, they carry heavy timber at the rate of 2 to 3 miles per hour depending upon the type of terrain and can cover a distance of 20 to 24 miles per day.
  • Cows are poor milkers but attempts have been made to improve their milking qualities.
  • Reference:

    • Joshi, N.R., Phillips, R.W. (1953) Zebu Cattle of India and Pakistan, FAO Agriculture Studies No. 19, Publ. by FAO, Rome, 256 pp.